How much can I earn by staking Matic ?

The current reward rate for Matic staking ranging between 5-7% but is dependent on a number of different factors.

Polygon allocates 12% of its total supply of 10 billion tokens to fund the staking rewards. These rewards are primarily meant to jump-start the network, while the protocol in the long run is intended to sustain itself on the basis of transaction fees. The 12% allocated is split in such a way to ensure the gradual decoupling of staking rewards from being the dominant component of the validator rewards.

Year Target Stake (30% of circulating supply) Reward Rate for 30% Bonding Reward Pool
First 1,977,909,431 20% 312,917,369
Second 2,556,580,023 12% 275,625,675
Third 2,890,642,855 9% 246,933,140
Forth 2,951,934,048 7% 204,303,976
Fifth 2,996,518,749 5% 148,615,670 + 11,604,170

Below is a sample snapshot of the expected annual rewards for the first 5 years considering staked supply ranging from 5% to 40% at 5% interval

% of circulating supply staked 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%
First 120% 60% 40% 30% 24% 20% 17.14% 15%
Second 72% 36% 24% 18% 14.4% 12% 10.29% 9%
Third 54% 27% 18% 13.5% 10.8% 9% 7.71% 6.75%
Forth 42% 21% 14% 10.5% 8.4% 7% 6% 5.25%
Fifth 30% 15% 10% 7.5% 6% 5% 4.29% 3.75%